the quest for the golden ticket

(one expensive pregnancy test at a time)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wouldn't you know it, a day of firsts. My first blog entry. The first time I've been nine days late in six months. The first time I went for a blood pregnancy test at my doctor's office. And what do I have to show for it! Well, a blog to be sure. But I was hoping for something more monumental, something like . . .

The lab lost my blood. (?!?!) I do not tell a lie. Lost. Somewhere in transit from the my doctor's office to the lab, my little vial of blood, containing the fate I've been waiting patiently for for the past five hours, has gone missing. Along with everyone else's blood that went into the lab this morning.

I phrased it all wrong when I called Jay:

"Honey, you're not going to believe it."
"We're pregnant?!?"
"No, the lab lost my blood."

Whoosh. I could feel his sigh through the phone.

I'm going back at 3 to give them more of my blood. And maybe a piece of my mind, given the recent state of my mood. I know it's not like they lost my tissue sample intended to test whether I had cancer, but still.